5 The smaller inner mouth of the alien plunges into the back of the razorback's
neck, spraying blood onto the alien's face. The razorback makes a loud razorback noise and begins jumping around, trying
to get the fucking alien off its back. With one more hard jerk the alien flies off in another direction. The razorback
follows in the direction that the alien went. You and the Fredriks run off in the meantime. You continue
to walk along in the forest. You see the Utah raptor eating a caveman in the brush a few hundred feet to the side of
you. He doesn't notice you walk by, thank shit. "Goddammit, when the hell are we gonna get out of these woods,"
you grumble quietly. You look over and see an iguana-looking thing in the bushes. You feel really violent at this
point. Do you want to off its ass?
Take a closer look and kill it on page 19 Leave it the fuck alone and continue along on page 23