This is the first script of a trilogy my step brother and I have written. I would like you
all to know that this entire script is 95% his doing. The whole story was his own idea based on a dream he had after watching
one to many Quintin Tarintino movies before going to bed. The other 5% of this script was just slight modifications I
personally added, that's all. The second two scripts were basically 95% MY doing, but without the first there would be no
others, so my step brother (Andy) is really the one to thank. He came up with the name for the scripts as well: "Sonic R".
Any questions refer to the "About Me" page and there should be an explanation of the "Sonic R" trilogy.
Legal stuff: Neither my step brother nor I own Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Dr. Robotnik, Rotor, or Sally.
Tatum, Melissa, Nastica, Till, Latifah and Volchair are the only original characters created by us.
My other works of *ahem* literature