George is gonna tell me about the rabbits, hoo hoo!
I currently live in Springfield MA. I was born on September 18, 1984. I originally grew up in Enfield CT. When I was about
six I moved to Stafford CT. Then When I was nine or ten we moved to Springfield, and have lived there ever since. I live right
on the East Longmeadow/Sprinfield line, Springfield being just across the street from me. I currently go to East Longmeadow
High School (it kinda...BLOWS). But it could be worse.
I enjoy playing guitar, drawing, playing videogames, and writing, playing Magic the Gathering, other
stuff. I've been playing guitar since March 2000. I've been playing Magic the Gathering since Christmas 1998. I've
been a videogame freak for well over half of my life. It all started when I was about seven. My first two videogames I had
ever owned were these two cheesy little handheld games I bought of my friend for two bucks. I got my first Sega Genesis when
I was nine or ten, and I still have it in my room, and it still works perfectly fine. Over the years I have collected almost
a hundred games, and six different videogame consoles (Genesis, 32X, Sega CD, Sega Saturn, Playstation 2, and Dreamcast) not
counting the computer. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. I took after my uncle I guess, who I would always
watch paint and draw things. Also, it's my third or fourth cousin, I'm not exactly sure, but he has done great artwork for
magazines, novels, comic books, posters, Magic the Gatehring cards, and other things. His name is Bob Eggleton, you may or
may not have heard of him. I've been writing for quite a while as well. My first attempt at anything of a story was this
really stupid Alien book I made in second grade based on the Alien trilogy. There was no real dialogue and the ending was
pretty much a rip off of the third movie. Many more came after that, as well as a slew of Sonic books, which had a much greater
amount of dialogue than the Alien book, but that isn't really saying much. In fifth grade I had made an actual book, having
been inspired by a Goosebumps choose your own adventure book. I thought the concept of the book was the coolest thing ever,
so I made one myself. It was entitled "Welcome to the Park of Doom" or something stupid like that. It was 87 pages long because
that's how many pages there happened to be left in the notebook I used to make it. I was quite lame compared to the more recent
version I made of it. A year later I remade it and changed the title to "Park of the Danged", which still sounded pretty fuckin'
fruity. Then, three years later I remade it almost entirely, and changed teh name once again to "Park of the Screwed". After
the second revision of the first book I started on the second one which I called "The Little House of Horrors", I believe.
It came out to 193 pages long. It took almost a year to complete, mostly because of my laziness. Then, two years later I remade
it and changed the title to "The Creepy -ass house". There are almost no similarities between the two versions except for
a few parts and teh basic story of it. Then came the most infamous of them all; "Frogs". It originally was a project I did
on the side of working on the first two, taking place sometime in between the writing of the first and second. It was originally
a 37 page booklet made of index cards stapled together. It made no sense at all and was just about killing people for no aparent
reason. It originally was going to be the first of a nine part series, all named after the nine Friday the 13th movies, but
I gave up about 8 pages into the second one. The word "Frogs" became the title just because it happened to be the first word
that popped into my head. It came either from Streets of Rage 2 or 3, where when a certain guy was killed he sounded like
he was yelling "Froooooooogs!" And so that's what I named it. The book then lay dormant on my shelf for a while, never really
amounting to much. Then one night three years later my step brother Andy stayed over and had just picked it up off the shelf
and started reading it. He seemed to enjoy it very much. HAlfway through his reading he stoped and told me "I just realized
something. This book is about going around and killing people, and it's called 'Frogs'." I hadn't really thought much of it
either until he said that, and then I realized how humorous it actually was. I then decided that "Frogs" was going to be my
third book. About two months later I finished the first version of the book, which was 155 pages long and had a hentai picture
towards the end in it. It became a classic amongst my friends and there are now four different versions in circulation. I
gave my friend Misty the first version, but someone ended up stealing it from her or someting. My friend Amber was given the
second version of the book. Then the third version was borrowed by my friend Angel, but I never got it back from him, so I
just made a few more revisions I felt necessary, and printed out another version for myself. The newest version of the book
is now 170 pages. After that came "Frogs 2: Toads" which the name "Toads" was suggested by my friend McKinley. Right now I
am considering ideas for a fifth book and am not wuite sure what it will be about. The name of the series of books I make
is called "Pick your Shit" in case you are interested.
Ah, the Sonic R trilogy, you ask. Well, I don't give a fuck
if you asked or not, here it is. When my step brother stayed over on a weekend we were just talking about different dreams
we have had before and he mentioned a wierd Sonic one. I kept asking him about it and then finally just asked him to tell
the whole thing to me and I would wirte it down. After about four hours we both were about to fall asleep, so we stopped for
then. A few weeks later he came back and finished the story. When we were trying to think of a name for it, he suggested "Sonic
R" since the movie would probably be rated R if it was made. Also, there was a Sonic game I had entitled "Sonic R", but the
R was for racing in that game, but we always joked around by calling the game "Sonic rated R" or "Sonic restricted", or something
like that. The name pretty much stuck. After that we decided to make a sequel. During the first few pages of scripting we
started making ideas for the third one. The versions of the second and third scripts are very different from the ones that
were priginally made, but the general idea of each script remained the same. There were some pretty drastic changes to each
(I will list them in detail at the end of each script so I don't give anything away here). One example is that the character
Nastica was originally a Russian dragon, and then was an American Dragon, and is now an American human girl. So anyways, on
with the rest of this page thingie.
As for the music I like, I generally respect anything that deserves my respect.
For example: The Beatles. I have more respect than interest for them. I respect them for what they did for rock music, and
without them there would be no real rock today. Because the Beatles inspired KISS and Black Sabbath, then those bands inspired
the next generation, and that generation inspired teh next, and so forth. See?
An example of an artist I have no respect
for is the Backstreet Boys. They don't write their own music, play their own instruments, or sing at their concerts. Where
the hell is the talent in that?
Music I like: hard rock, industrial, speed/thrash
metal, classic rock, techno, punk, hardcore, neo classical, death metal, classical, goth metal.
I am currently trying to get my band on its feet and do something. I have all the members, but
We haven't even gotten together yet for a practice. Hopefully Something will work out.
Movies: The Matrix, American Psycho, South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut, Army
of Darkness, The Crow, Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Se7en
Bands: Slipknot,
Metallica, Slayer, Kittie, Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne, Hatebreed, In Flames
TV Shows: South Park, The Simpsons, Family
Guy, Invader Zim, Ren and Stimpy, The X Files, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Osbournes
Comic book: Johnny the Homicidal
Fictional Characters: Ash (from the Evil Dead movies), Eric Draven, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Happy Noodle
Boy, Gir, Kosmo Kramer, Raziel, Sub Zero, Scorpion, Homer Simpson, Stewey Griffin, Vegeta, Ryoko, Crow T. Robot, Sweet Tooth,
Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Edchidna, Jay and Silent Bob
Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rose McGowan, Jim Carrey,
Fairuza Balk, Jack Nicholson, Bruce Campbell.
Albums: Slayer, "Reign in Blood"; Slipknot, "Slipknot"; Metallica, "Ride the Lightning"
Songs: Slipknot, "Surfacing"; Black Sabbath, "War Pigs"; Slayer, "Angel of Death"; Led Zeppelin "Stairway
to Heaven"; Yngwie Malmsteen "Far Beyond the Sun"
Supernatural creature: Werewolf
Author: Stephen King
Guitar players: Jimi Hendrix,
Yngwie Malmsteen, Kirk Hammet, Randy Rhoads, Kerry King, Zakk Wylde
Drummers: Joey Jordison, Dave Lombardo
Bassists: Cliff Burton, Geezer Butler
Male Vocalists: Tom Araya, Corey Talor, Bruce Dickinson, Ozzy Osbourne, Till Lindermann
Female Vocalists: Morgan Lander, Angela Gossow
Other stuff about me
Name: Psychosteve
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Age: 17
IQ: 153
Occupation: Bus dude
DOB: 9/18/84
Preschool: some crappy place
First middle school: Prudence Crandall (kindergarten-2nd)
Second grade school: St. Joseph's (3rd-5th), taken over by St. Bernard's in 1996 (6th-8th)
High School: East Longmeadow High School (9th-present)
People that piss me off
*Really uptight religious people
*Narrow-minded people
*Pretentious goth people
*People who start anti-slipknot and anti-marilyn manson sites
*Ghetto people
*Annoying little children
*Those who bash my people (goths) without a valid reason, or base their accusations
on the stereotypes
*People who cross the street without looking and think that they are untouchable
just because they are in the crosswalk.
*People who are just plain assholes