Psychosteve's Page of Stuff
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Exactly what it says

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Projects of my own I am working on

*A werewolf movie script entitled "Moon Rise", which the concept of has existed since 1997.

*A Sharrin Bowman (my Frogs II character) side story

*This web page (duh)

*Writing music for my band (if we ever actually get together and play, that is)

*considering possibilities for a fifth "Pick your shit" book (that's the name of the series I created)

Odd things, sorta

*At the Big E it is illegal to wear spikes (bracelets and chokers, that is), but you can purchase blades and daggers there.

*If God loves all his children why do people say that he hates gay people?

*Depictions of the human body in the nude (the way it was created and, most likey, meant to be displayed) offends people more than violence (which is a completely unatural act).

*Who were the retards who decided what words would be swears and what words wouldn't? It would be much harder to offend people if those words were not made into obscenities at all.

*The average person lives for 27375 days. That doesn't seem incredibly long, does it? And you probably won't even remember about 12318 of those days. And half of your life you will be sleeping, so that reduces the total to 6159 days. See? Life IS short.


My theory about the police in Grand Theft Auto 3

I believe that the LCPD of Grand Theft Auto 3 is corrupt. I have several examples to support my theory.

1) The police have no regard for emergency vehicles. I will give a specific example of a situation that happens a lot during this game. I was driving down the road in an ambulance with my sirens blaring and a patient in the back. I'm trying to save his life (just so I can get the infinite run cheat, however) and the cars on the street are courteous enough to pull over and let me pass. Even the Columbians, a gang who will normally shoot me on sight, would pull out of the way so that I could pass. One of them even drove straight of a bridge, plummeting to his death, just so I could make it through. Then there is a police car next to me, driving down the road. The police seem to feel that they are not obligated to pull over for other emergency vehicles. They think that they are above the law. The cop purposely veers towards me and rams the side of my ambulance. And then he acts like it's my fault! He turns his sirens on and fucking comes after me! While I'm trying to save a life the pig is trying to run me off the road, almost causing me to flip over and explode.

2) The entire police force seems to have a vendetta against your character throughout the entire game, even if they've never seen you before. People will start fights in the street, they will pull out guns and shoot eachother and the cops will be sitting across the street eating donuts in their patrol car, or walking down the sidewalk, straight past the fray. People steal cars right in front of cops and they do nothing about it. The only way that a cop will ever involve himself in a situation like this is if he is being attacked himslef, or if you are the one killing people. Everyone else can kill each other as much as they want, but you can't. One example of this is when I was walking down the street and out of no where this nut case ran up to me and started throwing punches. There was a police officer sitting hn his patrol car no more than ten feet away from the two of us. After taking several hits I threw a punch back at the guy in self defense, and all of a sudden the cop gets out of the car and comes after me! What the shit is that?! I'm trying to defend myself against a psychopath and then I've got this pig running up behind me who joins in on beating me up.

3) The cops don't stop anyone for traffic violations. Not even your character. People run red lights, speed, crash into each other, and the police act as if nothing is happening. But as soon as you so much as tap a police car with your vehicle, you've got their complete attention. You can apparently ram into anyone else in the city, but the police think that they are so much better than everyone else that you can't even touch their cars. And half the time it's the cop's own fault.

Those are three reasons that support my theory, and there are probably several more that I have fogotten. I have listed the main ones, so I feel that is enough.

Why I hate Fred Durst
Listed below are the reasons, in no particular order
1) He's an egomaniac
2) He talks a lot of shit and doesn't even back it up most of the time.
3) He's thinks that he's a badass, but is actually a pussy.  He talks shit, and when shit gets thrown back he backs away so he won't get his ass kicked. 
4) He claims that Limp Bizkit is the best rock band in the world.  First of all, they suck.  Second of all, their music is roughly 89% rap not rock.  It's more like 96% rap nowadays. 
5) He got up on statge and did a duet with Cristina Agulera, for God's sake!
6) The lyrics are completely stupid.  A quadropalegic retarded monkey could come up with more coherent lyrics.  The song "Rearranged" is the only exception.  I personally don't think that he wrote the words for that song. 
7) Rap-Rock is the most blatant and most frequently used approach in utterly defacing rock music.
8) He and his three other buttboys (as opposed to the original four others; Wes is gone now, and he's much better off that way. He can be in a good band now) of Limp Bizkit stole over 200 guitar riffs from people in the tryouts for a new guitar player.  I'll put up the message I found on a bulliten board at a website.
9) He's a hypocrite (he called the singer from Creed an egomaniac. Look who's talking...)
10) He's an whiney, stuck up asshole. 
11) He talks shit about almost any underground band. He trashed Roadrunner by saying something along the lines of "Bands on Roadrunner Records will never go anywhere".  Basically, if a band isn't poular or a rap-rock band, he'll talk shit about them.
12) He could care less about his fans. An example of this is when a girl was trampled in a mosh pit at a show and was brought to the hospital afterwards where she died.  Fred said that he had gone and visited her in the hospital, when he actually had not. 
13) He speaks highly of the Backstreet Boys and N'sync, a universal "no-no" for anyone half serious about being a rocker.  Or anyone with a decent taste in music, for that matter.
14) He's a backstabber.  He is saying now that Limp Bizkit is better than KoRn.  The only reason Limp Bizkit got big is because of KoRn. I feel bad saying that, because I like KoRn, but they are basically responsible for Limp Bizkit's existence.
15) Something else I'm forgetting.
This is how Limp Bizkit ripped People off

"Some of you may have heard about the Limp Bizkit guitarist search. Basically, the band has been "touring" the country visiting Guitar Center stores, holding auditions for a new guitarist to replace the one who left the band.
The deal is this. From 7:00 to 11:00 AM you can sign up for a slot to try out that day. The tryouts are from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. During this time, they take you into a room to play your stuff. At the end of that time, you leave. They call three to ten people at 5:30 to come back to the place and play in front of Limp Bizkit. Out of those people, one is selected to return at 9:00 to jam with the band, and anyone who participated is invited to watch -- a free concert, basically.

So I arrive there, with a copy of our band's full CD in hand. I'm with a friend who wants to try out, so I go ahead and sign up too. We get there at 5:00 AM and we're 83rd and 84th in line. Not incredibly bad. Free Krispy Kreme donuts and coffee, so all isn't too bad.

10:00 rolls around. The line is moving slow, but that's to be expected. We finally get up around the corner of the building to the front of the line at about noon. Current total time there: 7 hours.

Get to the table, and I notice there's a waiver you have to sign. No problem, standard stuff. Then I notice it's a three page contract. This contract basically said that if you play, you must sign the contract. Okay. No big deal here either. So I keep reading it. An interesting note. Anything you play can NOT be copyright, and can be used by Limp Bizkit in audio, video, or recorded form of any sort. Other big words which basically translated to the fact that if you play something, they are fully authorized to steal it and use it on a CD. The artist agrees to zero compensation and zero rights over the track, and will get their name in the liner notes "if possible."

This didn't sit well, as me and the guy I was with were planning on playing something we wrote with Starfront. So we sign it and decide to make something up. An annoyance at the very least, but we'd waited seven hours to get this far.

Then we got to stand in the parking lot for another two hours. We finally get inside at about 2:30, where it's another 30 minute wait for your turn. Current total time there: 10 hours.

So then we get the "rules". They are outlined for us straight out. No guitar solos. No playing cover songs. No playing copyrighted material. No playing Limp Bizkit songs. This effectively means that you're forced to play something that you made up, but don't have a copyright for. You may see where this is going.

Entering the room, there's one guy. He's got a mute button under his foot. His job is to make sure you follow the rules. If you break any, you get muted and kicked out immediately. So I go in, and there's one amp for me to plug into, and the settings are turned to "mud". It sounded awful, and was not pleasing to the ears. And it was loud enough that the awfulness didn't go away for some time. Then comes another fun part.

"You have 60 seconds to play. Starting now."

One ****ing minute?! I mean, ****ing... okay. So since the thing I'd been planning was two minutes and thirty seconds, I cut most of the parts out. Kept it under time (about 57 seconds), but it still sounded worse than a handful of ass due to that beautiful amplifier (hmm). And I leave the room and the line proceeds. We're told that the winners will be announced at 5:30. And that we are to remain in the front parking lot until that time. No leaving. Period. This makes for unhappy people. We're talking 200+ people here, plus any wives / girlfriends / husbands / boyfriends / family / friends which accompanied them. But what can you do? We stay until 5:30. Total current time there: 12 hours, 30 minutes.

5:30 rolls around. People are getting ansi. The band management promised "free pizza". It came, and there were two boxes of pizza. Two large pizzas. For about two hundred people at least. No cool points here either. Anyway, the clock keeps ticking, and it's 6:00 before we notice anything going on. Guitar Center management flags all their people and security to come inside to discuss something. They go in there, and the guy in charge walks out with a megaphone. After getting everyone's attention, the guy on the megaphone speaks:

"This competition has been called off effective immediately and will not be rescheduled. The band will not be performing with nor for anyone. They will not be signing autographs. This is beyond our control, but please exit the area immediately."

The guy then proceeds to enter back inside the huge glass doors, and two armed officers stand behind the door. They lock the building as the massive amount of people head directly towards them. After reaching the building, people start going apeshit. Cops are called in basically a way to clear the crowd. After about an hour, most have gone home or been "taken" home by the police. The radio station is completely screwed, having brought their entire broadcast booths out to cover it. Everyone is very, very pissed. Me and the other guy stayed awhile to figure out what was going on. It's now about 7:30 PM.

FM99 is having a field day with it. They're referring to this as "**** Fred Durst Friday", taking calls in from people who went. But unless you've read this carefully, I don't think you understand what happened.

[n]Limp Bizkit now has over 200 guitar parts, written by various artists around here, which are unowned and not copyrighted. Limp Bizkit now owns these riffs. Limp Bizkit just stole 200 pieces of material right out from under these guitarists' noses, myself included. If I'd played something off our CD, I would be ABSOLUTELY pissed. I *am* absolutely pissed. They have completely ripped off hundreds of people, and they're getting away with it because they can. They're on their way to Georgia, and the radio station here has given out request line numbers for the stations down there for us to call and let them know what's happening over the course of this event, to warn them. But people aren't going to buy it. They're going to go and get their shit stolen too.[/n]

Someone needs to beat the living hell out of him. He's an asshole, and someone who doesn't deserve to be breathing the same air as a ****ing cockroach.

To add insult to injury, Guitar Center ran a contest where the winner would get to watch the band play even if they didn't play guitar. One person and a friend. That person also won an autographed Gibson Les Paul Studio ($1500+ guitar) by the band. She showed up after a near 200 mile drive to the area. Guitar Center told her that the band refused to acknowledge the contest at this point, and so not only did she drive three and a half hours for no performance (which she took her ten year old kid to see as his first concert), but apparently the guitar wasn't given either. All because the band wanted to be one giant collective asshole.

If any of you know anyone who's considering going to these tryouts, show them this message. If they have any questions they can contact me directly. I'm doing everything I possibly can to make sure this does NOT happen to anyone else. It's not my stuff I'm concerned about -- our CD is copyrighted completely and legally -- but I'm guessing 90% of the local bands who passed Durst a copy of their CD are going to be ****ed. Many bands, especially newer local ones, don't have the money or know-how to copyright their stuff, and by giving it to them tonight, they just basically tossed them a new Limp Bizkit CD if Fred wants to do that. I wouldn't be surprised if he copyrights their shit tomorrow.

It hurts to look around and see hundreds of people get excited at the chance to be able to make something of their guitar work; to have a shot at being in a popular band, making a living doing what they dream of. Fred Durst and Limp Bizkit are taking that dream and ****ing it over. And anyone who wasn't there who just caught the coverage at noon and 5:00 on the news just think everything is perfect. Happy Fred Durst in front of the cameras behind the place, fenced off, saying how good the turnout is and how happy everyone seems, and talking about all the great shit he's hearing. That man is the true meaning of a music label representative. He's the perfect salesman and nice guy in front of the media, and turns around and screws everyone involved in the ass without having to take any hit in his overall popularity, and possibly gaining a shit ton of new music in the process that he's ripped from people.

Not many things piss me off, but I'm pissed off. I'm not the only one. All sorts of "this band is playing tonight at this place, and they'd like me to announce to Fred Durst that if you're still in the area and you come to this venue, you will be able to see what a REAL band is like -- right before the real band beats your skull in." This radio station is sick of the shit from this band, and so are its listeners. If this keeps happening, I wouldn't be surprised if some shit goes down somewhere really damn soon. If it does, I'll let you know. "


Songs I'm teaching myself on guitar this month
May 2002
Slayer "War Ensemble"
Slayer "Dead Skin Mask"
Led Zepplin "Stairway to Heaven"
Type O Negative "Blood & Fire"

Subliminal message: Micheal Jackson's face looks like putty.