Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

Welcome...TO HELL! There is no escape (except for the back button)! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ah, I need a drink...

Home | Other People's Drawings | Video Games | Pick Your S#!t | Band of the Month | My Drawings | Quotes | My own pics | Stuff n' stuff | Sonic R | Depression Monthly | About Me | Pics of hot goth chicks | Cool Links | Slipknot | Contact Me, Dammit! (please)

ATTENTION: For about 2 1/2 years now this page has been idle because I have been unable to update it for some odd reason. Just recently somehow I have been granted the ability to update this page again, so I am adding this. I now have two other webpages, the second suffering the same problem I had with this one until now as well. I have links to them in my LINKS section of this page, please pay them a visit. The third page is the only one that I will continue to update. Thank you.

Click on that door over there to go somewhere and see some cool stuff.

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also email me if you feel like it.  It may be a while before the actual guestbook is up; I don't know how the hell to put it on my site.

Updates 'n' stuff

I did something, can't quite remember what though. Ah, fuck it, whatever it is, it's there. My friend is moving away soon. Tomorrow, I think. That blows. Well, shit happens, and sometimes all you can do is bend over and take it up the tail pipe.
All three of the Sonic R scripts are up.
Put up the Sonic R 1 script.
Added a videogame page, though it's not really done yet.
It's Friday again, I hate Fridays.  It doesn't really matter though.  My life is becoming less and less meaningful to me as the days go by.  We live only to die, so what is the point in living at all?  I discuss this in the 'Depression Monthly' section, which I have finally added to after four months.
Uh huh.
Put some stuff up.  Expo kicked ass. I got autographs from Kittie and Hatebreed.  Mercedes from Kittie loved my Army of Darkness shirt. 
Added more Tenchi pics.  WCCC Rock Expo tomorrow!  Woohoo!
Posted my first Pick your S#!t story.
Added more anime.
Added stuff, anime section coming along nicely.
Had sex with your mother.

Added stuff.

Some stuff added. I'm pissed again, this time because Kittie is doing an autograph signing at the Westfield mall this Saturday and I have no way to get up there. AAAGGH!!

p.s. If anyone happens to know what happened to Fallon Bowman (of Kittie, obviously) please email me, I REALLY wanna know what the hell the deal with that is.

I have added some pictures, a new section entitled "depression monthly", and some more stuff to the Slipknot page.

I've actually updated the site several times since 10-25-01, but I just didn't feel like saying so then. I've added a new section, some more to the "About Me" section, and a new picture (woo hoo).

I had added a shit load of writing to the "About Me" section but it all got erased becuase there was some bullshit error and I am SUPER FUCKING PISSED, because it took about half an hour to write.

Added some pics 'n' stuff

Started this site. Had a site on geocities, but it wasn't very good.  It's not like this one is very good either, but whatever.  I have a picture of me with Corey, Joey, and Chris from Slipknot that I want to put up. The Pledge of Allegience show kicked ass, ha ha ha! I got screwed out of meeting Rammstein, and some of the security guards were dicks, but other than that it was an awesome night.

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

That's a door. Neat, huh? No? Didn't think so.


Do you have any drawings or literary works you would like to send me? As soon as I receive one or the other I will put up a section devoted to the drawings and writings of other people. Along with the drawing and/or writing, give me your name, email adress, and a brief description of what it is that you are sending me. Just click on the 'contact me, dammit (please)' section to email me stuff. Are you a hot goth chick? Send me your photos and I will put them up in the 'pics of hot goth chicks' section. Along with the picture just give me your name and email adress. Same goes for the drawings and writing, just go to the 'contact me dammit (please)' section to email me the stuff. Thanks.

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