"If it bleeds, we can kill it."
is a chewey shit sandwitch."
-The Doom Generation
"Barry, where's Barry?"
"Look at me, look at me 'cause I'm gonna punch you in your fuckin' teeth."
"Don't worry, you won't feel a thing. 'Till I jam this down your throat."
-"The Simpsons"
"Now Sid, don't you blame the movies! Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!"
"Hail to the king, baby."
-Army of Darkness
always the quiet guys who get the most done. They don't waste time talking."
"You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same."
-bumper sticker
"Death is the only way out."
-Mortal Kombat Annihilation
"Any pile of stunted growth
unaware that entertainment is just that and nothing more, deserves to doom themselves to some dank cell, somewhere, for having
been so stupid!! Movies, books, TV, music--They're all just entertainment, not guidebooks for damning yourself!"
the Homicidal Maniac
(comic book)
-Soldier of Fortune
Caw! Bang! Fuck! I'm dead!"
-The Crow
"If you actually believe that your true intellegence
is determined by a standardized system, well, then you can't be that smart."
-Wobbly Headed Bob, Johnny
the Homicaidal Maniac
(comic book character, comic book)
"Fucking doughnut! Mock me? You fried cyclops!!"
-Happy Noodle Boy, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
(comic book character, comic book)
"You be dead."
-Unreal Tournament
Misty: "I look like a dyke with this
Jim: "You are what you eat."
-My life
"(holds up a pack of cigarettes) These things'll kill you faster than crack!"
-Ozzy Osbourne
"You have smoked yourself retarded."
-Half Baked
"I know now why you cry. But it's something I could never do."
-Terminator 2: Judgement Day
"Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole."
-Mortal Kombat
"Damn you Kain! You are not God! This act of genocide is unconscionable!"
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
"Take my boots off."
-Big Dick Tight Ass Volume 2
"Limp Bizkit sucks dick!"
-Zakk Wylde
"You killed my hostage..."
-"The Maxx"
(TV show/comic book)
"Listen to me very carefully...No."
-"That 70's Show"
(TV show)
-The Terminator
"Let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, NO!"
(TV show)
"You! Obey the fist!"
-"Invader Zim"
(TV show)
"You son of a bitch bastard, I'll breaka your legs!"
-Sam, Roger's grandfather
"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."
-"South Park"
(TV show)