Kun Nong, guitar player; left February 1995, just a month after the band started. Donnie Steele, guitar player;
left January 1996 because he said that playing in the band went against his Christian beliefs. Anders Colselfni,
vocalist; left June 1997 shortly after Corey Talor joined. He felt betrayed that another vocalist had been recruited without
him knowing, and he was only doing backing vocals in the end, with Corey doing all the main singing. Greg Welts,
custom percussionist; was fired from the band in June 1998. A reason why has never been given. Josh Brainard, guitarist;
left January 1999, only a few months before the self titled album's release. His reasons for leaving have been keep to himself
for thte most part. It was his bondage hood that Jim wears on the cover of the first album. Jim played one show in it and
then never wore it again because he said it was too hard to breathe and was more uncomfortable that it should've been. Josh
had been comfortable in it because he said it was meant for himself and no one else.
Slipknot merchandise I own
-Eight CDs (two (CD-R, but still purchased from a store) copies
of Mate Feed Kill Repeat, two different versions of the self titled album (two copies of the original self titled
release and the digipack), Iowa, an audio biography CD, and an interview CD).
-Numerous posters and pictures on my
wall and ceiling.
-9 shirts (including the two Pledge of Allegience tour shirts)
-A pen
-A biography
-Four folders
-The "Welcome to Our Neighborhood" video
-Two patches, one on a hat, one just sitting
on my desk.
-A hoodie
-A jacket
-A lunchbox (A LUNCHBOX for God's sake)
-A Streetwise demo
tape from back when they were at Ozzfest 99
-A pair of shotglasses
-Slipknot "Behind the Masks" video
book of sheet music for the "Iowa" album
-The songs "Snap" , "Coleslaw" and "Carve" on my computer, though they're
not really merchandise.
Why I Like Slipknot so Much
Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of other bands out there who are more talented than Slipknot, but I'm not saying that
Slipknot aren't talented. Jim and Mick are great guitarists, Paul writes some cool bass riffs, Corey has incredible endurance
(he can scream for an hour and a half and still sound awesome all the way until the end of the show), Joey is just a fucking
insane drummer (the drum solo he did at the Pledge of Allegience show was just nuts), Sid can spin like a motherfucker (he
also busted out a solo at the Pledge of Allegience show), Craig has some cool shit coming out of his media mixer thingie,
and Chris and Shawn are just nutcases, climbing all over their custom drum sets, throwing shit around, and what not. But still,
a guitar player like Yngwie Malmsteen surpasses them by far in terms of musical talent (Hell, he surpases ANYONE in musical
talent). But it's not just Slipknot's musical ability that I like. It's just the way their music sounds, and the message it
carries. It's hard-ass heavy-as-shit music with a positive message lying underneath it all. It inspires one like me to surpass
the obstacles in life; to ascend to a higher level than that of one's enemies. They seem to tell the whole world "We
don't give a shit what you think of us, we're here, we're not going away, and we're not going to change for anyone."
They also convey the same message to their fans. They basically tell us "Be whatever the fuck you wanna be. Don't
let anyone else fucking cut you down for who and what you are or believe in. Just do what you want to do, be what you want
to be, and live your life the way you want to." And the whole anti-image idea that they uphold is great. They stated
before that they knew that no matter who they were they were going to just be a number in the record industry, so they beat
them to it. They put on the masks to conceal their identity, got matching jumpsuits, and stenciled barcodes on the back of
each. To me they don't seem like people behind masks, but just a musical force. I just can't picture the actual people behind
the masks, it's really odd. After seeing them in person and shaking their hands, I was just thinking "Is this really
them? They don't seem the way I imagined them to be up close". But once I saw them up on stage in their jumpsuits they
seemed completely different. They just get so into their music and connect with the audience so well. I haven't seen many
bands that could do that as well as Slipknot can. It's a complicated matter, but I personally think that they would rather
be known as a musical force than as people, because they are in it just for the love of making music and sharing it with others;
not for fame, money, or any of that other bullshit. That is why Slipknot is my favorite band.
'Mate Feed Kill Repeat' song remakes
-"Slipknot" became "(Sic)" on their self-titled album
-"Only One" and "Tattered and Torn"
were both remade on the self-titled CD and retained their original names.
-"Gently" was remade on the 'Iowa' CD, and
kept its originaly name, but was completely reworked and is really different now.
-"Killers are Quiet" became "Iowa" on the 'Iowa' CD.
Note: None of the lyrics have remained
the same through the different versions some songs have a few lyrics kept intact, but most of the songs have new lyrics entirely,
with the exception of "Gently", which contains the exact same lyrics.
Unreleased songs
(there are others, I just don't know them right now)
What Close-minded people may think of Slipknot
1) That the masks and jumpsuits are just a gimick.
2) That their music is just a bunch of loud noise and that there is no technique
or skill involved.
3) All that Corey (#8, the singer) is doing is yelling obscenities for three and
a half minutes for every song, and the songs have no real meanings.
4) They're sellouts just because they're becoming more poplar.