Psychosteve's Page of Stuff
Video Games

A page Dedicated to my favorite pass time.

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Game of the Year (so far)
"Resident Evil", Gamecube, 2002
My top 10 favorite videogames of 2001
No, these games were not all released in the yar 2001, they are just the games that I played and enjoyed the most of that year.
10. Altered Beast
9. Silent Hil 2
8. Twisted Metal: Black
7. Shenmue
6. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
5. Resident Evil: Code Veronica
4. Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
3. Resident Evil 2
2. Sonic Adventure 2
1. Grand Theft Auto III

If you actually give a rat's ass, click the link below to see my collection of games.

My video games

My favorite video game babes
Hey, I'm a guy who loves to play video games, you knew I was going to put something like this in.  They're the polygonal hotties that video game nuts, like me, are quite fond of.
*The Dead of Alive chicks
*Claire Redfield
*Jill Valentine
*Seung Mina
*Gena (Crazy Taxi)

Subliminal message: My back hurts.