Psychosteve's Page of Stuff
Pick Your S#!t

The choose your own adventure-ish books I wrote

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For those of you who do not know how a choose your own adventure story works, let me enlighten you.
You basically insert yourseld into the story, which is why it is told in the second person narrative, and choose what happens next.  When you reach the bottom of a page there will be a page that you are told to go to, a choice of two or more pages to go to, or an ending.  You receive an ending either when you do something wrong, or if you complete the story.  You should be able to tell which is which, mainly because you mostly die when you make the wrong choices.  When you have a choice simply click the link that corresponds to the choice you want to go to.  If you get an ending just start over, or if you want to be a little bitch, just hit the back button on the browser window.

Pick Your Shit #1: Park of the Screwed

Subliminal Message: nothing matters