Copyright 1996, 1997, 2000
"Wake the fuck up!" "Huh?" You open your eyes and look over to the
clock next to your bed. "Dude. Its like six in the morning, mom, or something."
"I know that you little shit, I just want to get to Seven Flags early so we can get a good room there." "Oh damn, I forgot all about that shit B." You
get up and out of your bed. You begin to get dressed. Your mom speaks to you while you are putting your stuff on. "Oh
dude, forgot to tell you, but the Fredriks are coming with us." Aw fuck, you
mutter. Your mom be friends with their parents.
They are three annoying-ass kids that go to your school. There is Jan,
Jeb, and Jade. Their names are pretty fuckin retarded. Lets go, your mom says.
You arrive at the park at 7:32 A.M. You all
pile out of yo mammas van. You all go up to a booth thingy and your mom goes
up to the walking talking acne that is standing at the desk. She asks for a room,
stuff like that, and she gets a pretty good one, just like she wanted. In your
opinion all of the rooms there look the same, but thats just you. You all go
through the entrance and see a large selection of rides. You look to your left
and see the Twisty-ass Rollercoaster. You look over to your right and see a new
ride, House of Creepy Shit. Which one will you go on?
Twisty-ass Rollercoaster on page 10
House of Creepy Shit on page 62