Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 You walk over to the bush and prepare to break its neck.  Suddenly you see some weird black shit shoot into your eyes.  You snap back and grab at your face, trying to get the slimy shit off of your face.  There are weird colors flashing before your eyes, and the black shit is starting to burn.  You realize that you have gone blind.  Well isn't that just a mother fucking bitch?!  That bastard wasn't and iguana.  It was a Dilophosaurus, and it hawked a fucking death loogie into your eyes!  "AAAAAAAAH!" CRUNCH!  Sounds like one of the Fredriks just ate it.  "AAAAAH!"  CRUNCH!  "AAAAAAH!"  CRUNCH!  There goes the other two.  There must be a few of these damn little shits around here.  "What'd you call me?  Huh?" you hear an old man say in the background.  Where the fuck did that come from?  That doesn't really concern you at this time, because you can feel your head in the jaws of a spitter (it's a different name for the Dilophosaurus, for those of you who are retards).  CRUNCH!  Sounds like you're dead.


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