23 The thing in the bushes might want you dead, so you don't feel like taking
any unnecessary risks. You continue on without paying any more attention to the mysterious thing in the bushes, which
is most likely not an iguana, but is a ravenous creature who probably wants to eat you. Just as you begin walking again
you see some black crap land on a tree next to you. You turn around and see a spitter (Dilophosaurus) standing there.
You are about to run again when you see the spitter turns around and runs in the opposite direction that you are. You
turn back around and see why the spitter hauled ass outta there; the giant centipede is behind you. And the hornet is
behind him. And the mosquito is behind him. And Fred Durst is behind him, but just got decapitated by the mosquito,
so he doesn't count anymore. You are really sick of running, but you'd rather not die, so you turn back around
and begin running again. You continue to run until you come to a building.
Go around the left side of the building on page 69 Go around the right side of the building on page 3 Go inside
the building on page 57