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 "Shit!  Go!" you yell as you take off down the trail.  The Fredriks follow you.  As you run down the trail you see that there are more fences broken down.  Ones that you could read the signs were Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dilophosaurus, and a razorback.  You didn't catch a glimpse of the others.  You turn back and see that the raptor isn't coming.  You all stop.  "Shit man, there's fuckin' dinosaurs that want to eat us and shit, what the hell are we gonna do?!" Jan yells.  "Will you just fuckin' chill?!" you yell to her.  "Now first thing's first; how and why are there real dinosaurs here?"  "How the fuck should we know?" Jeb says.  "Okay, whatever.  But also, why is there a razorback in here with dinosaurs?" you ask everyone.  "Maybe it's a...thing," Jade suggests.  "Look at this," you hear Jan say.  You see that she is kneeling over a hoof print in the dirt.  "What the hell made that?" asks Jeb.  "I think it was the razorback," you say.  "That's too big for a razorback to make," Jade argues.  "Well, I don't know what else it could be.  Apparently it's a razorback about the size of a rhino."  "Oh, that's just great," Jeb mutters.  You hear a noise on the trail behind you.  You look back and see the shadows of three raptors coming.  "Shit, raptors are coming," you whisper.  You look ahead of you and see the razorback milling around not too far ahead.  You need to go somewhere before either of them see you.  You can jump into the bushes on your right or into the torn down fence on your left. 
Go into the bushes on page 61
Go into the fence on page 20



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