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 "Let's go in the fence, bitches," you whisper as you run into the broken down fence.  The raptors go by you and towards the direction that the razorback was in.  You continue to walk along the fenced area.  There is a small dirt trail in the enclosure which you begin to follow.  You hear a rustling in the bushes behind you.  You look back and see a raptor come out of it.  "Run!" you shout as you take off.  The Fredriks look back then begin running with you.  You aren't sure if you can actually outrun a velociraptor, but you're sure-as-hell gonna try.  The raptor chasing you is joined by five more raptors.  This just keeps getting better and better.  You turn back and see a freaky-ass looking spear thing impale one of the raptors.  All of the raptors stop and look in the direction that the spear came from.  You don't stop running, but turn your head and see something drop down from the trees.  You can't see exactly what it is; it's kind of invisible. 

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