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 "Let's go into the bushes over there," you say in a whisper.  You tun over and jump into the bushes and the Fredriks follow you.  You peek out and see the raptors walking past you.  They give out a screech and run forward.  They must be going after the razorback.  You look out of the bush and see them chasing the razorback down the trail.  You turn around and begin walking through the forest.  You hear really heavy footsteps from somewhere.  "What the hell is that?" you say looking around.  The noise is getting closer and you still don't know where it's coming from or what it could be.  You turn around and see that the Fredriks are missing.  "Jan?  Jade?  Jeb?" you yell out.  No one answers.  You begin walking again.  You push past an area of thick brush and see the remains of the Fredriks lying on the ground.  You look up a little more and see a large pair of reptilian feet.  You look up even further and see the complete body of the T-Rex.  You try not to move; you remember that from Jurassic Park.  You just hope that movie was historically accurate in that part.  The T-Rex leans down and sniffs the air around you.  He suddenly grabs your head in his jaws.  He can still smell you, apparently.  He tosses your body up into the air and catches it in his mouth on the way back down.  He swallows you almost whole, but it doesn't matter, because you're dead now.

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