Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 "Okay, let's just be careful," you adviser everyone.  Without paying attention to where you're walking, you accidentally step on the cobra's head.  "Shit!  Run!" you yell as you take off, the Fredriks not too far behind you, and the snake not too far behind them.  It's pretty damn fast for a cobra.  Up ahead you spot a different rollercoaster.  You throw the lever and you all jump into a car.  You begin to climb a hill before the cobra can reach you.  At the top of the hill it straightens out into a long path.  You feel safe at the moment, until you see the big fuckin' hole in the track up ahead.  "Fuck," you say.  "What the hell are we gonna do?!" Jan frantically screams.  You spot a steel bar hanging from the other side of the gap.  You could jump onto it and climb up the other side.  You could also stay in the car and hope that it makes it over to the other side of the track.  It's up to you, B.
Stay in the cars on page 82
Jump to the bar on page 60




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