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 "Let's grab onto the bar!" you say.  You prepare to jump to the bar thingy.  You stand on the edge of the car in a crouching position and prepare to jump.  The Fredriks do the same on the front of the car.  You don't know how you'll all manage to grab onto one bar, but you'll worry about that when the time comes.  As the coaster nears the gap you jump.  The Fredriks jump right after you.  You miss the bar entirely and land on the opposite side of the track.  The Fredriks land right behind you.  You look back and see the rollercoaster cars tumble off the tracks and explode when they hit the ground.  "I guess we didn't have to jump to the bar then," you say.  You walk over and look at the gap and see that it was only about ten feet wide.  It looked bigger when you were in the cars.  Oh well. 
 Once you get to the lowest part of the track you can get to, you all begin climbing down the side and onto the ground.  You continue to walk around the park looking for an exit.  You hear the hiss of a snake behind you.  You can't see where it is at first, but then a giant python lunges at you from out of no where.  You are in Nebraska right now, so that phrase was correct. 
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