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 Its mouth is wide open and it is headed straight for your face.  You duck and roll out of the way.  The python smacks its head on the ground as it lands, getting a mouthful of dirt and grass.  While you are running from the big-ass snake you unknowingly run into the zoo thing again.  The zoo thing, remember?  Where the werewolves chased you?  The thing?  Yeah, damn straight you remember. 
 You get a good ways into the zoo thing before you realize that the snake gave up fifteen minutes ago, and you have been running from a garter snake for the past mile.  The snake slithers off into the bushes.  You keep walking along the trail.  You see a bloody mass of bones to the side of it.  It looks like it was from a deer or something.  You see a sign not too far ahead of you.  You walk up to it and read it out loud.  "There's a real bad-ass mother fucker in the woods, so keep your bitch ass on the trail so you won't die."  "That's a pleasant sign," Jade comments.  Later on while you're walking down the trail you forget what the sign said, and wander off the trail.  You're walking along in the woods when Jan speaks.  "Wait a minute...Weren't we supposed to stay on the trail?"  "Oh shit," you nervously say, or something similar.  You walk around the woods looking for the trail again, but you can't find it. 

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