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 The wooded area suddenly gets dark, just like it did before.  "Déjà vu," you comment.  You walk along a little more and see a small deer crouching behind a tree.  It's shaking a good deal.  Maybe it was the baby of the dead deer you saw earlier.  It must've been there when that funky shit went down.  You look a few meters to the left of the deer near a patch of rocks and see very large wolf-like prints.  One paw print is about as big as your head.  "I wouldn't like to meet this thing in a dark alley," Jade says.  "Hell, I wouldn't like to meet it in a sunny alley either."  You walk along the trail a little more.  You see some bones on the ground arranged in a pattern.  They spell out a phrase.  It says, "Your ass is grass, Cerberus will kill you dead". 
Go to page 36...or else please.



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