Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 "Okay, we can jump the gap in these cars.  We can make it," you say.  You near the gap.  You notice that the cars are going rather slow, and that the gap is rather wide.  You get about a foot away from the gap before you realize that you're not going to make it.  "Shit!  Bail!" you yell as you jump forward onto the bar and grab onto it.  The Fredriks don't react in time.  The rollercoaster cars fall off the rails and plummet towards the ground with the Fredriks screaming all the way.  The cars hit the ground and explode.  The bar begins to sway back and forth.  "Oh shit," you say as the bar breaks and you fall to the ground.  You fall about twenty feet and hit the ground hard.  You're alive, but severely injured.  You look over and see the charred corpses of the Fredriks in the burning wreckage.  Their skin peels off in thin papery flakes that blow over to you.  They carry the sour smell of burning flesh with them.  Jesus, that's rank.  Soon all of their skin peels off and there is nothing but three blackened skeletons lying on the ground.  You hear a loud hiss from behind you.  You turn your head and see the python behind you.  You have no time to react, and even if you did, there's jack shit you could do about it.  It tightly wraps itself around you and begins to crush you.  You feel all of your bones breaking even more than they already are.  The snake brings its head down and puts it over your head.  It consumes your entire body in a few minutes.  It regurgitates your skeleton later.

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