30 You all continue down the trail. You see another
sign that says: "Enter at you own risk, you dumb son of a bitch". "This shit's getting ghetto," you comment.
Down the trail you go. You look up into the sky and see the sun setting at a very quick pace. "Wow, the sun's
really bookin'," you say. The sun quickly disappears over the horizon and the sky darkens to black. Stars come
into view and a full moon lights the sky. "Um...what the fuck is going on?" Jan says. An inhuman howl sounds through
out the wooded area. "This sucks!" you yell rather loudly. A snap of a twig is heard. You spin around.
"Who the fuck was that?! What the fuck happened?! Fuckin' fuck!!" you say in one quick breath. Jade turns
to you. "Dude, was that you?" he asks you. "This trail is made of fucking stones, there's no sticks on it," you
say back to him. "Well, that sounded close I think." "Maybe we should head back," Jeb says.
Keep going on page 50 Go back like a puss bag on page 68