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 You all agree to go back.  You all turn around and go back down the trail.  You hear another twig snap, followed by a low, menacing growl.  "Goddammit, what the hell?" you complain.  You are suddenly almost knocked over when Jeb pushes past you and runs ahead of you.  He turns his head towards you as he runs.  "Move, mutha fucka, move!" he yells to you.  You all turn and see a werewolf running towards you on all fours.  "Shit!" you yell as you turn back around and run.  Jade and Jan do the same.  Soon three more werewolves join the one that is already following you.  After about a minute of steady running you see a light at the end of the trail.  It's about a few dozen yards away.  Your lungs feel like they're burning, kind of like when you hold pot smoke in for too long.  You begin wheezing as you get closer to the opening.  You are starting to feel a little light-headed.  You suddenly emerge into the daylight of the sunny afternoon.  You glance back and see that the werewolves are gone.  You are all panting and wheezing at the entrance.  Your mom walks up to you.  "Did you kids like that shit?" she asks.  "Yeah, whatever," you dully reply.  "Do you have any cigarettes?" you ask your mom.  "Yeah," she says.  "Can I have one?"  "Where's yours?"  "Dammit, just let me have one."  "Okay."  She takes out her pack of Marbs and hands you one.  You probably shouldn't smoke after you have just put such a strain on your lungs, but you don't really give a rat's ass.  You put the cig in your mouth and take out your lighter.  You light it up and put your lighter back.
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