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 "Let's just keep going," you say.  Before you can begin walking you hear heavy breathing behind you.  You don't think you want to take the time to turn around and see what's behind you, so you simply haul ass down the trail.  Your shoelaces become undone and you trip over them, but the Fredriks continue running.  You see a group of three werewolves ambush them on the way down the path.  They all jumped out of the brush.  They tackle the Fredriks to the ground.  You hear the sound of tearing flesh and crunching bones.  Werewolves are lifting their heads up with limbs, organs, and an occasional head in their jaws.  Blood is gushing out all over the clean white stones of the trail.  A half-eaten arm plops in front of your face.  After that a heart flies over and smacks you in the face.  Shit man, you didn't need that.  You get up and prepare to run the other way.  As soon as you stand up you feel claws dig into your back.  You fall right back over.  Three more werewolves in addition to the one that jumped you pounce on you.  You lay on the ground with werewolves biting and clawing at you.  One of them rips your stomach open and pulls your liver out.  He gulps it down rather quickly.  You hear a loud snap, followed by a very unpleasant feeling.  You see that your arm has been ripped off.  Oh, that's nice.  Another werewolf gouges out your throat, severing all of your vocal cords and pulling them out.  You then feel your head moving.  They're twisting your head off!  You can feel your neck cracking as one of the werewolves twists it.  There's one last loud snap before your head comes off completely.

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