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 Hopefully that thing you saw in Jurassic Park will work on the Bigassasaurus.  You aren't even sure if it would work on the T-Rex, let alone this thing, but whatever.  "Don't move," you whisper to the Fredriks.  They do as you say.  If they argued with you, you would've just let them die.  You don't feel like being questioned about anything right now.  The Bigassasaurus turns around and lowers its head to ground level.  He looks you straight in the eye for a few moments.  He then lifts his head back up and walks off into the forest.  "That was close," Jade whispers. 
 Walking along in the forest later on you hear another noise.  It sounds kind of like "The fucking razorback!  Run!" Jan yells.  You all turn around and see the razorback heading your way.  Before it can get to you, you see an alien drop down from the tree above it and onto the razorback's back.  The razorback ignores you for now and begins jumping around, trying to get the alien off its back.  The alien holds onto its neck with a firm grip.  The alien opens its mouth and you see a smaller mouth coming out of his normal mouth. 

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