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 "Fine, let's go up," you say.  You begin to climb the ladder you emerge at the top and the Fredriks are not too far behind you.  You look up and see that the hole in the ceiling is about ten feet above your head and there is nothing to climb up on.   You turn back and are about to climb back down the ladder when it suddenly sinks down.  "Now what the hell are we supposed to do?" Jan complains.  "I see something ahead," Jade says.  You all begin to walk forward.  It's pretty dark up here, so you can't see much.  You see a slight glint ahead of you and are walking towards it.  You soon realize that the glint is the reflection of the surface of the water.  You're fucking dead!  You're going in the wahtuh!  Too late.  You all fall into the tank of water.  Oh dump!  You realize that you're in the fuckin' shark tank, homes!
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