The Fredriks apparently can't swim. You can tell because they are splashing around in the water like a bunch
of fucking lunatics, and by the fact that they keep yelling "Help! We can't swim!" You begin to swim over to them
to help. Suddenly they are pulled under the water, which turns red. You see the shark surface after a few more
seconds. It has a limb dangling from its jaws. You see some body parts float to the top of the water. You
quickly turn back and climb out of the tank. You sit on the edge of the tank, with a blank expression on your face.
You were kind of starting to like them. It's too bad they had to be torn to pieces and all. Suddenly the huge
head of the great white shark rises out of the water in front of you. You have no time to react. The shark grabs
you between his jaws and drags you under water. He is swimming around under water with you in between his teeth.
He is shaking you around violently, filling the water with even more blood (death equals fun). You are soon shredded
beyond recognition and eaten for breakfast. Or dinner, or whatever.