Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 "That bridge doesn't look very safe," you say.  "We should at least try to cross it," Jade says.  "Bite my ass, we're gonna go a different way."  You turn and walk away from the bridge.  Jan and Jeb follow you.  "Well, screw you too!" Jade yells back to you.  He sets one of his feet down on the bridge, causing the plank to break under his foot.  "Shit!" he yells as he jumps back.  He rejoins you and the others after that.  "Told ya," you say to him without turning around.  He doesn't respond. 
 While you're walking along in the park you stumble onto the cobra thing.  Oh, lovely.  You all start running again.  Oh, shit, you need to stop smoking.  Your lungs feel really shitty right now.  You are running towards the back of a building.  You all run inside and see that you are in a weird swamp that looks strangely familiar.  It's that swamp that you entered on the first rollercoaster you went on.  You can see the swamp serpent thing swimming around in the bog. You turn around and see the cobra still coming at you.  You look upwards and see some vines hanging down that you might be able to use to swing across to the other side of the bog.  You also spot a tree that you can climb up to escape from the cobra thingy. 
Swing across on page 31
Climb up the tree on page 46



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