31 "Go across the mother fuckin' vines!" you yell as you run towards them.
You each take hold of one and back up, giving yourself some momentum. You all then run forward and swing towards the
other side of the bog. About halfway across all of your vines break at about the same time. You are all send into
the slime. The Fredriks are swimming towards the shore on the other side, but are all pulled under the goo. The
slime begins bubbling. Soon blood and small fragments of body parts rise to the surface. You then see what offed
the Fredriks asses. It's a huge-ass crocodile. You quickly swim back to the shore you just came from. You
make it back and lie on the shoreline, staring upwards into nothing. Suddenly the cobra's head pops in front of your
face. It bites down on your face. You grab it and begin to pull at it, trying to get it off you. You eventually
rip it off your face. "You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!" you yell as you throw the snake into the bog.
You feel your face kind of tingling. You then feel your arms tingling. Actually your arms are totally spazzing
out, shaking all over the place and hitting you in the face randomly. Suddenly they simply fall off. You look
down in shock. "Aaah!" you yell. Your legs begin to spaz out now. They too fall off. Now your face
is spazzing out. Your head then suddenly pops off of your shoulders and lands on the ground. What the
hell kind of snake was that?