26 The cars enter a bog. The water is thick and
slimy with strange plants lining the shore. You notice several blood-shot eyes poking out of the slime. One of
the eyes begins to sneak its way into your car. You look down and see it creeping towards your leg. "Die!" you
yell as you stomp the eye flat. You hear a strange growling noise coming from the bog, or whatever the hell that thing
is. You see a cluster of bubbles forming where the noise is coming from. Suddenly a large green tentacle juts
out of the water, or whatever, and grabs Jeb's leg. The large green tentacle thingy begins to pull him into the slime.
You see the top of the monster's head rise up above the water and then sink back down again. Jan and Jade grab Jeb's
arms and begin to try pulling him back into the car. "Help us!" Jan yells to you. You don't really fell like helping
him. You are lazy and all. You don't really like them, there's that too. They're quief and a halves, but
maybe you should help them anyway, just for the hell of it. Jade yells to you again. "Dammit! What the hell
are you waiting for?!"
Help the mother fucker on page 16 Flip him the bird and don't help on page 44