44 You lean over to the Fredriks. "Are you going
to freaking help us?!" Jade yells to you. "...No," you say calmly. Jeb slips out of their grip and is pulled under
the slimy shit. Jan and Jade turn to you with very angry expressions on their faces. Jan points at you.
"It's all your fault!" she screams at you. "Oh, it was not, you skanky hoe," you say calmly. You lean back against
the seat of the coaster car. You hear a splash in the water. You look over and see Jeb's head flying towards you.
It lands in the car, splattering a small amount of blood all over your pant legs. Jan and Jade jump at you. They
grab you and toss you out of the car. You splash into the green shit and swim to the top. You see the spiky back
of the serpent heading towards the rollercoaster cars. Its head then rises out of the water, towering over the cars.
It smashes its head down on the cars, breaking the tracks and smashing the middle cars. The monster dives back under.
Jan and Jade are plunged into the bog. They begin to swim towards the shore. They get about halfway there when
they are both pulled under the slime. The water, or whatever, bubbles at the surface from the struggle beneath the surface.
Soon a large pool of blood form at the surface of the water. You see a couple of body parts float to the top also.
You quickly begin swimming to the shore. You are almost there when you feel the big green thing pulling at your legs.
You yell out one last time before you are pulled under.