Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 The predator turns off its camouflage mode.  I'm not going to describe what he looks like, because you should know what he looks like (besides, I already described him in an ending where he killed you).  It extends it steel claws from his gauntlet.  You turn around and run towards a large building.  You go inside and the predator follows you inside.  You run up several flights of stairs to the roof of the building.  You stand near the edge of the building.  The predator runs up the stairs onto the roof and charges at you.  You jump out of his way, causing him to run straight off the edge.  He manages to grab your arm on the way down, though.  You slide towards the edge of the building and hold onto the building as tight as you can with your free arm.  You look down and see that it's about a fifteen-story drop to the bottom.  The predator begins to lose his grip.  You see him pop open a panel on his arm and begin to push buttons.  He then puts his arm back down and simply hangs there.  You hear a beeping noise coming from his gauntlet.  The beeping is beginning to get faster and more high pitched.  You just realize that he has activated a self-destruct sequence!  That blow dogs for quarters, man!
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