63 You suddenly remember that you have the cutting disc in your other hand.
There is a small on and off button on it. You switch it on and quickly cut the predator's hand off, slicing right through
the gauntlet, which stops the self-destruct process. The predator roars and falls down the side of the building.
He grabs onto a lead pipe on the way down. He climbs down and enters an adjacent building. You run down all the
flights of stairs again and go out the door. You run into the building that the predator ran into. You enter the
building and see the predator look at you and then run down a flight of stairs. You follow him down. You end up
in a large room with very strange designs on the walls. The walls seem to be glowing. There is a light mist covering
the floor. Pillars are strewn randomly around the room. You hear the predator's footsteps from nearby. "Son
of a bitch and a half," you say as you look around, trying to spot the predator.
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