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 You don't open your eyes just yet.  You wait about ten more seconds and then open your eyes.  You look down from the tree.  You spot the razorback circling at the foot of the tree. 
 It's been about an hour now, and you have finally waited the razorback out.  He walks away in search of another source of food.  You wait another few minutes until he is completely gone and then climb down the tree.  The Fredriks climb down after you.  You hear a soft snort a few yards away when you are all on the ground.  "It's the razorback again!" Jade yells.  You all take off with the razorback running at your heels. 
 You come across the alien cave after a few more minutes.  The razorback is now about a quarter of a mile back now.  He tired out before you did I guess.  That sleep must've done you good.  You look over and spot a small stand with supplies stacked up in it.  You spot a can of gasoline.  You grab it and then run into the cave. 
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