81 The razorback could still see where you where you went, being that you
have been running through a rather open area for the last mile. He runs into the cave after you. The Fredriks
run far ahead of you, but you stay in one spot. You stand in the middle of the cave, carefully watching the razorback
as it advances on you. You jump into the air a split second before he reaches you. You land on his back and hold
on. As quickly as you can, you open the cap of the gas can and dump most of it onto its back. The razorback begins
to jump around wildly now. You toss the gas can towards the cave entrance and then take your zippo out of your pocket.
You light it and prepare to jump off. You jump off, and toss your lighter the second you leave the razorback's back.
The lighter hits the razorback, causing it to burst into flames. The queen alien's nest isn't too far ahead. The
queen looks up from her nest and sees the flaming razorback running towards her at a high speed. The razorback smashes
into the nest, spraying the queen's acid blood everywhere and igniting the nest. The Fredriks are now running towards
you. They meet you at the mouth of the cave. You grab the gas can and toss it into the blaze. You all run
out of the cave and off into the forest. As soon as you are a safe distance away you turn around and see the Fredriks
are gone.
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