Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 You reach down and pick a stick up off the ground.  "You're a stupid head!" you yell as you throw the stick at the dinosaur.  He turns around and faces you.  You pick up a small rock and throw it at him.  It hits him in the cheek and bounces off somewhere.  You are all throwing shit at it now.  The Bigassasaurus lowers it head and grabs all three of the Fredriks in his jaws.  He begins to chew them all at once.  You hear them screaming inside his mouth along with the sound of crunching bones and squishing organs.  He swallows them all, and then begins to look around for you.  He doesn't spot the bloody mess on the bottom of his foot, which happens to be you.  He stepped on you at some point in time apparently. 

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