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 "They look like bastards, let's just go," you tell Jade.  You all turn around and begin walking back the other way.  You look back and see the cavemen following you. 
 Once you get back out of the condensed forest and into the normal forest again you look back and see the cavemen still following you.  You hear a screech from close by.  You look over and see the Utah raptor running towards you.  You turn sideways and run.  The Utah raptor goes after the cavemen guys.  It grabs one of them in its mouth.  The other cave men turn and run away.  You see the other guy squirming around in the raptor's mouth.  Suddenly a juvenile T-Rex comes out of the forest and towards the Utah raptor.  The T-Rex grabs the lower half of the caveman and begins pulling on it.  By this time you are hiding behind a giant fern a few dozen yards away from the action.  The two dinosaurs begin pulling in opposite directions.  With one more hard jerk in each direction they shred the caveman into two pieces.  Blood showers to the ground and a few internal organs slip out to the ground also.  Each dinosaur walks away with their half of the kill.  Not long after that you hear an ear-piercing roar that sounds awfully close.  It wasn't the T-Rex, but you don't want to stand around and find out what it was.  "What the hell was that?" Jan nervously asks.  Hopefully you won't have to find out.  But you probably will, so it doesn't matter what you think. 

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