Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 You walk over to one of them and extend your hand.  "Hi, my name's AAAAH!"  He just crushed your hand!  What a dick!  You look down at your hand and see that it is a mangled mess of blood and crunched up bones.  The other cavemen grab the Fredriks.  The cave men beat the crap out of them and toss them on the ground.  One of the cavemen walks away and comes back with a large club.  He walks over to Jade and smashes his head into oblivion with the club.  He does the same to Jan and Jeb.  They drag the bodies of the Fredriks off into their cave.  As for you, they bring you over to a stone table thing and lay you down on it.  What the hell are they doing?  You can see them drooling while they're looking at you.  Oh shit, they're going to fucking eat you!  One of the bastards grabs your left arm, twists, and pulls it off.  "Fucking ow!" you yell to the caveman.  He looks up at you, flips you off, and then begins eating your arm.  Another guy rips off your leg.  "I hope you die!" you yell to the caveman.  He pauses and looks at you.  He then raises your leg and begins to beat you with it.  After about ten hits he stops and begins eating your leg.  Blood is pouring out all over the table and the cavemen are now drinking it.  You feel your other leg come off with an unpleasant crack.  The caveman begins to eat it.  You are pretty amazed that you are still alive, however you really wish you weren't.  This fucking hurts like a bitch.  You finally die when one of the guys rips off your head.


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