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 You lean over and take a closer look into the egg.  It looks like some kind of parasite.  Wait a's a face hugger!  You quickly back away from the egg before it can get a chance to jump out at you.  "Get away from the eggs!" you tell the Fredriks.  Jan looks up.  "Why?"  "Do it before it jumps at you," you insist.  They all back away from the eggs.  You walk a little further back into the cave, away from the eggs.  You hear the hiss again, only louder and closer.  You look up at the ceiling and it appears to be moving.  "Did I take too many shrooms, or does anyone else see the ceiling moving?" you say.  Then you see why the ceiling looks like its moving.  It's covered with those aliens from Aliens!  You begin to back up the way you came.  An alien drops down in front of you as you are heading out.  "Shit!" you yell.  You hear something behind you.  As soon as you turn your head you see a face hugger flying towards your face.  You quickly duck, and the face hugger accidentally attaches itself to the alien.  You use this distraction to run out of the cave.  You look outside of the cave briefly and see that the Utah raptor is gone.  You hear a much louder and more menacing hiss farther behind you in the cave. 

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