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 "Let's just ignore these things," you say.  "Yeah, that' probably-," Jade is cut off when the thing in the egg suddenly leaps out and attaches itself to his face.  The same happens to you, Jan, and Jeb.  You are struggling to get it off, but it won't let go.  You can feel a weird tube going down your throat.  What the hell is going on?!  What are these things?!  (They're face huggers from the Alien movies in case you don't already know that)  Your vision is fading.  You feel dizzy and cannot stand up straight.  You fall over and pass out. 
      You regain consciousness a couple hours later.  You sit up and see that the face hugger is dead on the floor.  You see that the Fredriks are getting up too.  Their face huggers are also on the floor dead.  "What the hell happened?" Jan asks in a weary voice.  "I don't know," Jade says back to her in the same weary voice.  "Do you think the Utah raptor's gone?" Jeb asks you.  "I don't know, let's go check.  You walk over to the cave entrance.  You peek outside of the cave and hear the Utah raptor screech.  You quickly pull your head back in.  "Nope, he's still out there," you tell everyone.  "We should stay here for another little while.  He should give up soon."
 Another hour later you are having chest pains.  It appears that the Fredriks are having them too.  You all are yelling out rather loud.  "Oh shit, what the fuck is happening?!" Jeb yells.  Suddenly a chest burster breaks through Jeb's rib cage.  It screeches and slithers out and into the cave.  The same thing happens to Jade and Jan.  You can feel the creature pushing at the inside of you.  You scream out one last time before the creature breaks through your rib cage and out of your body. 

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