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      "We're going in the wahtuh!" Jade yells.  You all jump into the lake and begin to swim across.  The Triceratops follows you into the lake, slowly swimming across.  The tree that you were thinking about climbing suddenly falls over.  It lands right on the Triceratops, holding it under water.  It should drown in a couple minutes.  You manage to swim all the way across and climb out on the other side of the lake.  Or pond, or whatever.  Once you get out into the forest you see a strange looking cave not too far ahead of you.  You hear a strange hiss from inside the cave.  Jade looks over to you.  "I don't care what you say, we're not going in there."  "I didn't say we were," you say back to him.  You hear a loud screech nearby.  You turn around and see the Utah raptor running at you.  You begin to run towards the cave.  "Come on, we have no choice!" you yell back.  The Fredriks run into the cave after you.
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