Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 Oh, you can all go to hell!  You all run east.  The invisible thing isn't following you, but the huge-ass centipede is.  Into the forest you run.  You just got out of the forest, but apparently you have to go back into it.  And isn't that just peachy keen.  Suddenly the razorback comes out of the brush and runs at the centipede.  Apparently it doesn't like the centipede.  The centipede turns its attention towards the razorback just as it is rammed.  As they proceed to fight you take this opportunity to run like fucking shit fuck.  Pardon my fucking French, you son of a bitch bastard.  I'll breaka your legs.  You and the other people run off further into the forest, getting more lost, and more pissed off. 
 After a while of roaming around the forest you see a Triceratops munching on plants a few dozen feet away.  It is snorting and chomping very loudly, which is apparently annoying Jeb.  "Shut the fuck up!" he yells to it in a very loud voice.  The Triceratops raises its head and looks at Jeb with a very angry expression.  It probably wants to kill you.  It then begins to charge.  It definitely wants to kill you. That sucks.
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