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 "This way, my niggas!" you yell as you turn ghetto and run westward.  The Fredriks follow you.  You look back and see the invisible thing is getting closer (it isn't completely invisible, smart-ass).  You turn back and keep running.  You turn back in a few more seconds and see that he's gone.  Even though it was camouflaged you can tell that he's not there anymore.  You stop running and stop where you are.  The Fredriks also stop.  "Where did he go?" Jan asks.  "I don't know," you reply.  "Maybe he went to go kill something else, or something."  You continue onwards, walking now.  The Fredriks follow not too far behind.  A scream is heard in a few seconds, followed by a slicing sound.  You turn around and see Jeb's body lying on the trail without a head.  Without saying a word you begin running again.  Jade and Jan do the same.  You keep running and don't look back.  "AAAAAAAAH!" you hear Jan scream.  You don't look back, but she's most likely dead, so you don't have to.  A few seconds later another splatter is heard and you feel a liquid splatter all over your back.  It's obviously blood, but you don't take the time to look back.  The invisible thing suddenly drops down in front of your face.  You stop in your tracks and stand there, motionless.  It turns off its camouflage and you see that it is about eight feet tall, has armor on its chest, arms and legs, and has a strange looking mask on its head.  It's a Predator!  Like from the movie!  It grabs you by your throat and lifts you into the air.  He extends his claws, which are now spattered in blood.  He raises them and then brings them down, cutting your head off.  Seems he'll have a few more trophies in his collection (If you have seen the movie you'll know what I'm talking about.  If you haven't seen the movie then you suck.).

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