There is a large model of a vampire resembling Valek from John Carpenter's Vampires. There is a graveyard
filled with dummies of rotting corpses and skeletons. The scariest thing in there is the life size wax dummy of Roseanne
Barr in a thong. You shudder as you look at it. "This place is starting to get creepy," Jade says. Suddenly
the floor gives way beneath your feet and you all fall into a large pile of dirt. You sit up and can feel something
on your arm. You look down and see that there are bugs crawling all over it! You look down and see that they are
all over your body! You stand up and have a spaz attack. You eventually get them all off of you and you squash
every bug that you see near you. "There's a door over here!" you here Jade yell. You run over to him and you all
exit the ride and are back out in the amusement park. But where the fuck did everyone else go? There's no one
left in the park!
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