Psychosteve's Page of Stuff

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 "Let's go back," you say and turn around.  You turn around and begin walking, with the Fredriks behind you.  After a few moments you can only hear your own footsteps.  "Jan?  Jade?  Jeb?"  There is no answer.  You then feel yourself clunked in the back with something.  "Who the hell is throwing shit at me?" you say as you turn around.  You look down at the object that hit you and jump back.  It's an arm!  You begin running through the woods.  No sooner than you start running you feel your back being pierced by large claws.  You give out a short yell and fall to the ground, blood seeping out your back.  On the ground you see the remains of the Fredriks a few feet in front of you.  You turn over and see Cerberus standing over you.  He puts his paw on your chest and rips down, breaking your rib cage open.  "Ow!  Mother fuckin' shit!" you yell out.  Cerberus brings his face down to yours and puts his jaws around your face.  He then pulls up, ripping the skin right off your face.  Your face is now a bloody skull.  Cerberus then gouges out your stomach and begins eating random internal organs.  You are pretty much dead at this point. 

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