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 "Yeah, I guess you're right, let's go back."  You all turn around and head back the way you came. 
 You stumble across the trail again after about five more minutes.  You walk onto it and begin following it again.  You go in the general direction of where the exit should be.  You hear a growl off to the side of you.  You turn your head and see Cerberus following you on the side of the trail.  "Sweet merciful crap!" you shout as you jump back.  You all stop in your tracks and look at him.  He's about fifteen feet long, really big teeth, and probably wants to kick your ass.  You see that he is not going after you.  "The hell is wrong with him, is he crippled, or something?" Jade says.  "That sign said that he can't get you on the trail," Jan says.  "How does this stupid trail keep him away from us?"  "Who cares, as long as it does.  Now let's keep moving."  You all continue to walk along the trail.  You look at him most of the time that you are walking.  He's taller on four legs than you are on two legs.  He's about six feet high.  You are distracted by another howl.  "Shit, it's those fag bag werewolves again," Jeb says.  "I think they're pretty far away," you say.  They sounded far away, anyway.
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