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 "Let's go down," you say.  "No, up," Jeb argues.  "Down," you say again.  "Okay, we'll shoot for it.  One, two, three-," "Fuck you, we're going down!" you yell.  Jeb steps back.  "No need to bitch about it."  "Suck a dick," Jade interrupts, "let's just go."  You all begin climbing down the ladder one-by-one.  As you go further down you can see the ground below you.  You drop down, followed by Jade, Jeb, and then Jan.  Your mom walks up to you.  "Uh, mom," you reluctantly start.  "Yeah, homes?" she replies.  "This may sound queer, but can we fucking leave?"  "Why the hell do you want to leave?"  "I'll explain later, can we just be goin'?"  "Well...okay, I guess."  You all begin to walk to the exit.  You get to where the exit usually is, but the mother fucker's rubble!  Wait, I mean gone!
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