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The Wolf Man


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The Wolf Man. An abomination in my opinion. It may have been the first werewolf movie, but it was also one of the worst of the genre. How can I say that, you ask? Because it is. There are two creatures I think of when it comes to werewolves. The actual werewolves, who actually look like wolves and are much more menacing in appearance and strength. And then there are the wolfmen. The ones with a bad rug on their head and crepe hair glued to their faces. Yeah, them. They seem to have gotten stuck somewhere between the transformation process. It must have been easy to make horror movies back then if people were actually scared of something as pathetic as the Wolf man. If you wanted to see a real werewolf back in the day that this movie was made you were out of luck for another few decades, until they figured out how to transform all the way. I believe that The Howling was the first movie to feature a real werewolf. And it also featured a clip of this wretched movie. Not all classics are good. Like this movie. There are horror buffs out there who love this movie for their own reasons, but I don't like this movie, so leave me alone and go bug someone else who doesn't like this movie.