Psychosteve's Page of Stuff
The Wizard of Oz


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I know what some of you are saying as you read this. "But it's a classic, how can you not like this movie?" Because it sucks, that's why.  I don't care if it's a classic or not. Just take a look at my review of The Wolfman.  See? I don't care. Why is this movie considered to be so great? This movie never really did anything for me, except piss me off. Have it be the stupid goddamn songs or Dorthy's hideously wholesome attitude, this movie bugs the crap out of me. And I'm sure that the house would just stay in one piece when it was lifted off of its foundation hundreds of feet into the air by the tornado, and that it would not shatter into thousands of pieces upon impact with the ground as it landed. And those fucking munchkins, I can't stand them! Story book tales never interested me much--at all. Especially when in movie form. I don't like tihs movie, and if you have a problem you can stick it straight up your ass.