14 You open your eyes and see that you are on the ground now. You get
up and begin skipping away. The Fredriks are no where to be seen. They're probably dead, but you don't really
think about that right now. On the way through the woods later on you find a dollar. The dollar is lying next
to three wallets soaked in blood. There's blood and guts, and stuff like that too. They're from the Fredriks you
conclude (it's pretty freakin' obvious). You turn around and are about to head the other way when the invisible thing's
(the invisible thing is a predator if you haven't figured it out yet.) jam into a tree right next to you. "Damn!" you
hear the predator say in a demented voice. He jumps down from the tree and begins advancing on you. "Scream!"
you yell. Why the hell did you say that? Well, it doesn't really matter right now, does it? Suddenly the
Utah raptor runs out of the forest. The predator doesn't feel like risking his ass fighting a huge thing like that alone
so he books. Before you can say "doorknob" you feel a searing pain in your stomach and you look down. The raptor
has just sliced your stomach open. Blood pours out all over the ground and a good deal of your guts spill out onto the
ground. You hold your stomach and try to tuck your intestines back in. Your hands are too slippery from your blood
to get a good grip on them. The raptor slams you onto the ground face first and stands over you. He leans down
and begins ripping chunks of flesh off of your back. You feel him biting down on your spinal cord. The raptor
suddenly pulls up very quickly and forcefully, pulling your spinal cord out, ripping all the way up your back and up to your
head. Your head comes off with the spinal cord.