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 You open your eyes and jump down from the tree.  You begin jogging away.  The Fredriks follow you.  "LAAAAAAAAAH!" you hear Jeb scream from behind you.  You turn around and see that Jeb is now a pale, thin corpse.  He was drained of all his blood by something.  You begin to jog faster. 
 After a few more minutes of steady jogging you look back and see that the Fredriks aren't behind you anymore.  You hear a loud buzzing noise from nearby.  The hell is that?  You look around and don't see anything.  You continue to hear the buzzing.  You look around again and then see the mosquito flying towards you.  It's rather fast, you can't outrun it, but you try anyway.  The mosquito jams its pointy nose into your back before you can get even ten feet away.  He drains all of your blood in a matter of seconds and leaves you a pale, dry corpse on the ground.


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